Brimardom system
01423 203474
Office hours
Latest 20/1,9/4,9/2 11/1 4 timer
7/2,4/1,8/1 3 from 4
12/1,2/1 double
Cheltenham coming up we have the best record by far we can't wait
Won 20/1 Won 12/1
£37,000 profit
since 1985
profits up
Mailing list contact details at bottom of page
2022 update
What a great 2021 was following 2020 2019 2018 oh have we cleaned up ! The best decision we ever made keeping membership numbers down for the serious ones who know how good we are, join our mailing list for new membership options for 2022.
Since 1985 the largest and most successful racing investments company in our opinion and lots of our members who have joined everything else and stopped with us.
Where have we been ? we haven't been available to the general public because we decided we didn't have to, if fact we stopped memberships because we had become to successful for our own good, the only people we have been available to are are our hard core members who agreed to pay a large fee to still receive our software bets and investments.
This meant we were able to obtain prices and gambles we could only dream of as our bets, investments were hidden apart from those who supported us year after year. They were secret and still are
In the last few years we have spent in access of over £500,000 to create this new innovative artificial intelligence system, that will change forever the way you bet and invest.
The days of bets, investments everyday are gone and our software proves that you make more money if you don't invest everyday.
We still have our core loyal members but our costs have gone through the roof and its in agreement with our core loyal members that we are now going to let new members subsidize these new costs. To be fair to our core loyal members the Platinum
membership is exclusive for them 5 years or more membership qualifies you for this exclusive club, followed by the Gold membership and of course the silver membership will be the more affordable but we only have 2 Gold memberships left for 2022 and 4 silver memberships.

This is the Adjudication
that proves we made £37,500
it's the only one in horse racing history the only one ever to prove a profit was made
Someone complained about our profit, (no one makes a profit lol ) the advert in the Racing Post claiming £37,500 profit, a profit could not be achieved the ASA then looked into our profit claim it took a long time but eventually they agreed we did in fact prove we made that claimed profit, we did it !
The ASA found in our favor that we did in fact prove our claim of £37,500 and under there codes of advertising for Honesty, Truthfulness and Substantiation.
It's the only one in horse racing history we made £37,500 in 9 months and 100% proved it.
Heading 5
How WE Can Help You ? YOU CAN RING US 01423 203474
AI SOFTWARE the best there is £19,995
5 years or more of membership qualifies you
BETS OFF THE SOFTWARE via text £4,995
Silver membership
bets off the software via text £2,995
no monthly - no trials - no nonsense membership
fixed price no negotiation if you haven't got the money wait until you have
we guarantee no one will pay less but we can increase prices to limit the membership
we are not desperate to just take anyone if your ideals dont match ours then its pointless you joining. if you are suitable we allow you to join if not WE WISH YOU EVERY SUCCESS
We will update our website as we go on with videos, you can join our you tube brimardon channel lots of free videos on there, with insight and humor.
Lots of jealousy is created when you become the largest software winner finding service in the history of horse racing, the truth is some punters don't like winners when they are losers at betting themselves, what you find is those who win regularly don't tell others they keep it to themselves.
Remember we are the only service in the world who have a advertising standards authority adjudication that we made £37,000 in 9 months and said they found the advert in a full page racing post advert to be truthful , honest and substantiated.
Its the only one ever and we published a copy top right on the website.
Strange that no one ever refers to the facts we have made profits and proved it but you will never find it out on the internet unless you read it here.
Remember ASA go through everything we had to proof bets to a large chartered accounts and the racing post every bet and even a screenshot of every price of the horse and time stamped, they independently verified our results and profits, it was history in the making but you will find nothing else about this momentous achievement on the internet.
Remember any successful service you will never find praise that's the business we are in and you need to understand the reason of why its like that.
We cant help a lot of punters but those we can become loyal and stay with us for years and there is plenty of memories here is two examples that stand out from a son who rang to let us know his dad wanted to be buried with his software, he said he loved it so much and in his later life it meant so much to him, that's what it means to some and that makes us very proud.
Another son who phoned up irate and had a bit of a go, his dad who was in a care home and had gone missing on a Saturday afternoon,they had found him very merry in the pub in the evening and he told his son he had a right double up at 12/1 and 4/1 which he had got from us and the son was trying to put a stop to it,
i felt for that fellow as it was his only pleasure in life and he had gone on a bender after that win, he phoned us up personally with its Tom here and every Saturday at 1
We didn't charge him and it was free, he had been with us for years so we stuck by him when he was not well and in a care home ,even his son wanted to stop his pleasure of a few innocent bets on a Saturday. Things like that stick in the memory.
That is why it makes it worthwhile.